Catherine Glenn Foster

empowering people to
Be a Voice for Life
Authentically bringing truth to the issues of Life in today's culture.
Catherine Glenn Foster
Authentically bringing truth to the issues of Life in today's culture.
At the age of 19, Catherine Glenn Foster faced the reality of an unplanned pregnancy. Her internet search for a solution led her down a pathway where she eventually was forcibly held against her will for an abortion.
Her story, like that of so many others who have faced an unplanned pregnancy, led her to a life of action against the very system that ended the life of her first child.
Today, Catherine Glenn Foster’s work is to empower people to be a voice for Life.
For more than a decade, Catherine has been a leading voice for Life and life issues on Capitol Hill and in legislative bodies across the country and the globe.
Catherine's compelling story as a post-abortive mother sheds light on the dark, coercive pro-choice world, and the hope that can be found after abortion.
An international leader in the Life movement, Catherine is on the front lines of issue — from abortion to the full spectrum of Life issues to end of life issues and euthanasia .
for media and speaking availabilities
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